FIA Global

Journey from financial inclusion to financial well-being

Building a Better World Through Impactful Actions: CSR

At FIA, everything we do has one core belief: Making a Difference.
At our CSR arm, we believe in being socially responsible and committing to operating in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Our philosophy requires us to work with the most vulnerable to bring about lasting change in their lives.

Impact in Numbers


NGO’s supported


Lives Impacted

Creating Social Impact

India is diverse and so are its social challenges. While we cannot address every one of them, at FIA’s CSR arm, we are focused on addressing some critical social challenges that will create social impact. Every year, we collaborate with non-profits to strengthen their impact and help them scale, through pro bono service, volunteering and funding.





Social Welfare


Our Commitment to CSR

Working towards a more Inclusive, Healthy, Progressive and a better World

Leveraging financial inclusion to build a future of equal opportunity and non-discrimination

We at FIA believe strongly that a healthier society can be built only when there is economic freedom. This can be achieved by bringing financial services to serve the underserved, and the unbanked. Economic Equity can and will lead to further changes in society such as better education, empowerment of women and better healthcare, among others. Our CSR efforts is aligned with our organizational and business objectives.

Impact Stories, News & Initiatives

Meet Sharanya.

She works with Grihani and is
committed to mitigating hunger

Contributing towards mental health.

Samvesa is proud to partner with XXX not-for-profit that is working to understand and help people with…


FIA Global empowered 210 women by extending a hand and providing financial support under their CSR activities through which they were trained in cutting & tailoring and beauty & culture. After completing these courses and standing on their own feet, they can provide financial support to their families and live their lives with dignity.

Through this training, 210 women completed their training, due to which they are living their life today and the benefit they got from doing this short time course is commendable.

Visit Shikhar's Website


FIA Global supported the Student’s Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh (SECMOL) in Phey, Leh, Ladakh, to greening School Campus, Phey Village by the maintenance of planted indigenous trees, shrubs, and bushes thereby restoring the eco-system, and reducing the incidence and frequency of flash floods. Collectively boosting agriculture at the SECMOL school and building a self-reliant community of students.

Visit Secmol's Website


Child in front of Suniye center Suniye is a support school for Hearing Impaired children. FIA began work with Suniye and helped bring in machines for the hearing impaired and helped with the hiring of professional speech therapists, audiologists, doctors, and teachers in the field. With this initiative, we strive to support hearing-impaired children. and empower the at-risk migrant children in Bangalore.

Visit Suniye's Website

Diya Ghar

Children in front of Diya Ghar facility Diya Ghar is a not-for-profit with a heart that beats for children of migrant communities. For the last 4 years, they have been doing sterling work by providing preschool education for children of migrant labourers in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment. These are the causes that we at FIA believe in because when our work is done and dusted, we are as worthy as what we have helped support and left behind. By supporting Diya Ghar, all we are doing is assisting them in helping provide the necessary conditions so that children can continue to experience the joy of learning.

Visit Diya Ghar's Website

Collaborated with Grow Trees

On the occasion of World Environment Day; 5th June, FIA Global collaborated with Grow Trees for the project Trees for Wellness, in which we planted 200 trees at AIIMS Hospital, Deogarh, Jharkhand. Thus, helped reducing 33.66 tonnes of CO2.

Visit Grow Tree's Website

Contribution to VIDYA Integrated Development for Youth and Adults, based in Delhi

Vidya FIA’s monetary help will go a long way in providing much-needed education to children studying in VIDYA. Students in Vidya come from less privileged families living in the slums in the neighbourhood of the school. It will ensure continuity in their education and help them evolve into responsible family members, and also help them get into mainstream jobs after completing their education and thus break the poverty cycle they are enmeshed in.

Visit Vidya's Website

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के पास सीएसपी के लिए आवेदन मांगने या एजेंट, वितरक या इसी तरह की सेवाओं की नियुक्ति के संबंध में वित्तीय व्यवहार के लिए कोई अन्य वेबसाइट नहीं है। FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. सूचना और धन साझा आधार लिंक या नकली वेबसाइटों पर डेटा के लिए ज़िम्मेदार नहीं है जो कंपनी FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. के साथ संबंध होने का दावा करता है। दर्शकों और व्यापार भागीदारों से अनुरोध किया जाता है कि वे अन्य वेबसाइटों, पोर्टलों या लिंक को उजागर करें, जो कि एफआईए टेक्नोलॉजी के होने का दावा करते हैं, तत्काल हस्तक्षेप के लिए निम्नलिखित ईमेल आईडी: पर।.

Elderly Lady Using FINTAP app on cellphone