FIA Global

Journey from financial inclusion to financial well-being

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Our core values​

Unified by Financial Inclusion

FIA takes pride in its leadership model and application of values
and principles in every aspect of its processes and business.

The core values embody and reflect in the culture of the organization, have guided this journey thus far and hence, are fundamental
to FIA’s success. The three tenets describe the essence, structure and innateness we are expected to uphold; as well as the attributes needed to be successful. These principles are also aligned with the FIA Code of Business Conduct, which establishes non-negotiable minimum standards of behaviour.


We believe in making the future happen with the boldness of our actions.


Is the foundation upon which FIA has been built.


Innovation is our mantra. Our desire to constantly evolve and learn is greater than our desire to rest on our accolades.

Our Transformation Journey

Business Correspondent

Launched in India 1st client: State Bank of India US-DST Gold Medal for Top 30 Innovations Turned Profit in Year 1



Fintech Platform

CAGR Growth of 92% Indo-Nepal Services launched! UN-NITI Aayog Women Transforming India Awards

Neobank @AI

Center of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence 30 Million Customers

$10 mn in Gross Transactional Throughput FIA AI platform for Financial Inclusion - FINVESTA Launched

Forays into UAE and Bangladesh


Pay Utility Bills

Pay Finance & Tax Bills

Recharge and Bills

Get In Touch

Fill in the form below and our team will be happy to assist you

Published in Public Interest:

This is for the information of all concerned and the general public that ‘’ is the only official website of FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. does not have any other website to solicit applications for CSP or for financial dealings with regard to the appointment of agents, distributors or similar services. FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for the information and funds shared basis links or data on fake websites that claim to have a connection with the company FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. Viewers and business partners are requested to highlight other websites, portals or links, that claims to be of FIA Technology, to the following email id: for immediate intervention.

जनहित में प्रकाशित: यह सभी संबंधित और आम जनता की जानकारी के लिए है कि, ‘’ FIA Technology Services Pvt की एकमात्र आधिकारिक वेबसाइट है। FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd.

के पास सीएसपी के लिए आवेदन मांगने या एजेंट, वितरक या इसी तरह की सेवाओं की नियुक्ति के संबंध में वित्तीय व्यवहार के लिए कोई अन्य वेबसाइट नहीं है। FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. सूचना और धन साझा आधार लिंक या नकली वेबसाइटों पर डेटा के लिए ज़िम्मेदार नहीं है जो कंपनी FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. के साथ संबंध होने का दावा करता है। दर्शकों और व्यापार भागीदारों से अनुरोध किया जाता है कि वे अन्य वेबसाइटों, पोर्टलों या लिंक को उजागर करें, जो कि एफआईए टेक्नोलॉजी के होने का दावा करते हैं, तत्काल हस्तक्षेप के लिए निम्नलिखित ईमेल आईडी: पर।.

Elderly Lady Using FINTAP app on cellphone