FIA Global

Journey from financial inclusion to financial well-being

Digital lending

FIA’s Digital Lending

Access to capital for the credit invisible,
is now a reality
Digital lending - Fia global

Digi Gold

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Group 13819
indian bank
digital banks

With more than 40+ banks using our digital payments network in India and Nepal, this is your chance to scale your organisation’s presence in un(der)served regions

FIA Overcomes Barriers to Lending

With its indigenously developed technology platform, FIA is bringing access to capital to the unbanked, by overcoming challenges that have been a traditional bottleneck.

Want to Partner for Lending Services?


FIA’s network of BCs, known as Bank Mitras and Bank Sakhis come from local communities and are able to build and nurture long-term trust with their customers.

Cost Effective

FIA’s digital lending platform works with its banking partners to promote and monetize their loan products.


FIA’s BCs work tirelessly to promote financial products bringing greater clarity to customers on the financial options that are available to them.

Easy Access

FIA’s online digital lending platform breaks down barriers of distance and access to brick-and-mortar bank branches through their Banking Outlets.


FIA’s network of BCs, known as Bank Mitras and Bank Sakhis come from local communities and are able to build and nurture long-term trust with their customers.


FIA’s BCs work tirelessly to promote financial products bringing greater clarity to customers on the financial options that are available to them.

Cost Effective

FIA’s digital lending platform works with its banking partners to promote and monetize their loan products.

Easy Access

FIA’s online digital lending platform breaks down barriers of distance and access to brick-and-mortar bank branches through their Banking Outlets.

Features that make
lending easy

In- principle loan approval in minute.

Preconfigurable workflows suitable for business requirements.

Digital Lending Services- Fia global

Omni-Channel - Resume functions or save where you left off.

Insta alerts via SMS or Email helping you keep track of loans and customer updates

The FIA Platform

FIA’s powerful yet simple platform makes access to money a reality for the millions of unbanked in rural India, with many embedded advantages.

Want to Partner ?

A mobile app with easy-to-use features

Large distribution network helps outreach programmes

Machine Learning Technology for recommendations of loan products using data analysis

360° loan lifecycle – origination, servicing and recovery using our Smart Recoup tool

Streamlined and automated lending process

Digi Gold - Fia Global

Get In Touch

Fill in the form below and our team will be happy to assist you

Pay Utility Bills

Pay Finance & Tax Bills

Recharge and Bills

Published in Public Interest:

This is for the information of all concerned and the general public that ‘’ is the only official website of FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. does not have any other website to solicit applications for CSP or for financial dealings with regard to the appointment of agents, distributors or similar services. FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for the information and funds shared basis links or data on fake websites that claim to have a connection with the company FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. Viewers and business partners are requested to highlight other websites, portals or links, that claims to be of FIA Technology, to the following email id: for immediate intervention.

जनहित में प्रकाशित: यह सभी संबंधित और आम जनता की जानकारी के लिए है कि, ‘’ FIA Technology Services Pvt की एकमात्र आधिकारिक वेबसाइट है। FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd.

के पास सीएसपी के लिए आवेदन मांगने या एजेंट, वितरक या इसी तरह की सेवाओं की नियुक्ति के संबंध में वित्तीय व्यवहार के लिए कोई अन्य वेबसाइट नहीं है। FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. सूचना और धन साझा आधार लिंक या नकली वेबसाइटों पर डेटा के लिए ज़िम्मेदार नहीं है जो कंपनी FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. के साथ संबंध होने का दावा करता है। दर्शकों और व्यापार भागीदारों से अनुरोध किया जाता है कि वे अन्य वेबसाइटों, पोर्टलों या लिंक को उजागर करें, जो कि एफआईए टेक्नोलॉजी के होने का दावा करते हैं, तत्काल हस्तक्षेप के लिए निम्नलिखित ईमेल आईडी: पर।.

Elderly Lady Using FINTAP app on cellphone