Journey from financial inclusion to financial well-being
Journey from financial inclusion to financial well-being
Introducing digital payments, in an economic landscape that is fuelled by misconceptions and bound by traditional beliefs is challenging.
FIA has made the successful transition to digital payments with its innovative and tech-powered solutions.
Bill payments including utility bill payments such as electricity, gas, water, etc., can be paid with FIA’s digital payments plaform. It’s simple, easy, quick and hassle-free.
Bharat Pay allows merchants to make payments via their banks of choice, aggregating multiple ecommerce portals and online payment platforms, all under one roof.
Aadhaar Pay Allows Merchants To Collect Payments From A Customer With their Aadhaar Number or Biometic Authentication.
AEPS payment system allows interoperable financial transactions at PoS or Micro ATMs. No card or PIN required.
Digital payments platforms helps to make and receive payments with social distancing and is a safe and secure payments option.
Different payments options are available that eliminate bills, receipts, etc., as transactions can be tracked on the platform or via SMS alerts and notifications.
Provide value added services such as insurance or account opening or cash withdrawals
from one’s phone or CSPs.
Local merchants or kirana stores can be enabled with digital payments platforms.
India tops the list of digital payment transactions. Standing at more than 90+ million, FIA is one of India’s leading social impact fintechs that supports digital payment initiatives through its innovative and tech-enabled solutions, accelerating adoption.
As a social impact fintech, FIA is heavily invested in designing technology-backed solutions that will power its mission to make “financial inclusion for all” a reality. Today, FIA too offers a range of digital payment options such as:
Bill payments including utility bill payments such as electricity, gas, water, etc., can be paid with FIA’s digital payments platform. It’s simple, easy, quick and hassle-free.
Bharat Pay allows merchants to make payments via banks of their choice, aggregating multiple e-commerce portals and online payment platforms, all under one roof.
Aadhaar Pay allows merchants to collect payments from a customer with their Aadhaar number or biometric authentication.
AEPS allows interoperable financial transactions at Point of Sale or micro-ATMs and does not require a card or a PIN.
with digital payment platforms you can make and receive payments with social distancing providing a safe and secure payments option.
Kirana stores can be enabled with digital payment platforms such as UPI, enabling quick, real-time transactions.
जनहित में प्रकाशित: यह सभी संबंधित और आम जनता की जानकारी के लिए है कि, ‘’ FIA Technology Services Pvt की एकमात्र आधिकारिक वेबसाइट है। FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd.
के पास सीएसपी के लिए आवेदन मांगने या एजेंट, वितरक या इसी तरह की सेवाओं की नियुक्ति के संबंध में वित्तीय व्यवहार के लिए कोई अन्य वेबसाइट नहीं है। FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. सूचना और धन साझा आधार लिंक या नकली वेबसाइटों पर डेटा के लिए ज़िम्मेदार नहीं है जो कंपनी FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. के साथ संबंध होने का दावा करता है। दर्शकों और व्यापार भागीदारों से अनुरोध किया जाता है कि वे अन्य वेबसाइटों, पोर्टलों या लिंक को उजागर करें, जो कि एफआईए टेक्नोलॉजी के होने का दावा करते हैं, तत्काल हस्तक्षेप के लिए निम्नलिखित ईमेल आईडी: पर।.