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Doorstep Banking Made Simple

Doorstep Banking Made Simple with new features:
If you have an account in any of the leading public or private bank, then the best you can have is the doorstep banking. Doorstep banking made simple, thanks to the initiative by banks. To gain consumer loyalty, banks and financial institutions have acknowledged the necessity for innovative services. It’s time to update how your clients interact with your bank. As a result, the major distinction in the market sector is how fast and smoothly an organisation can deliver services to its clients in a highly secure manner at their doorstep. It is one of the most straightforward methods for banks to access a wider customer base, reach out to the underserved, and control risk. Banks will be able to provide all basic financial services, such as deposits, withdrawals, savings accounts, and value added services, using tab banking. Marketing Officers, Direct Selling Agents, and Business Correspondents (BC) on the field can use it.

Benefits of Doorstep Banking

Some of the benefits of doorstep banking are-
  • Improved business acquisition with a cost-effective model
  • Modes of secure authentication
  • Reducing cash transactions to increase security
  • Make transactions simple and in real time
  • Agent network access points are flexible and scalable.
  • Accounting status in real time using 2G, 3G, and 4G network connectivity

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