FIA Global

Doorstep Banking with Financial Inclusion

Earn Benefits from Doorstep Banking with Financial Inclusion

The doorstep banking (DSB) service is designed to deliver primary banking services at your doorstep. Financial and non-financial banking services are being provided with the help of DSB agents to customers of the respective bank. The bank offers doorstep banking with financial inclusion service to your home without making you step out of the home. That implies you won’t have to leave your house to conduct ordinary banking business.

Opening a bank account, deposits and withdrawals, money transfers, and bill payments are all services available. Updating PAN (permanent account number), obtaining account statements, issuing standing instructions, and other account-related services are also available.

Financial Inclusion Made Simple

Financial Inclusion made Simple with DSB

With the DSB service, banks have made the process of banking system handy for customers. However, there are certain restrictions including age limits, charges for additional work, and others. With having experienced DSB agents for the service, financial inclusion made simple. Everything is now on mobile where you get all the instructions on the phone.
Doorstep banking in India is reaching to the wider audience helping people who are in rural areas and still want to seek benefits from the bank.

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