
FIA Global

Journey from financial inclusion to financial well-being

Several awards being bestowed on FIA makes it a very rewarding Quarter

Gurgaon, India: Q3 for 2022 has proven to be exceptional in terms of rewards and recognition. We are proud to list the awards in descending order:

Winner at the 12th Annual Entrepreneur India Awards organized by Entrepreneur India in media partnership with Entrepreneur magazine and Entrepreneur.com

Innovator of the Year Award – Winner – Asia Fintech Awards 2022 on September 14th, 2022. To quote Fintech Asia, “this year’s winning innovator provides genuine value, with innovations and leadership breeding confidence among customers. Their passion for inclusion—economic, digital and financial—of the underserved and economically weaker is a credit to their organisation.”

Best AI Application of Tech for Good Award – Winner – FE Futech Awards organised by Financial Express.com in September, 2022, recognising, “innovators leading transformative tech initiatives in sectors ranging from education and healthcare to human rights and fintech. The Tech for Good Award recognises innovators who are creating solutions that will positively enhance our lives and change the shape of the world we live in today.”

Exceptional work in Rural Fintech in India– Winner – organised by Fintech Festival India in July, 22. Fintech Festival aims at aims to unleash the potential of FinTech in India and showcase the opportunities for global investors and global FinTech fraternity to venture in the Indian market. This festival is a celebration of new ideas, technologies, rich dialogues, productive engagements involving the greatest minds from the world of Finance and Technology.

BRICS Women Innovation Contest, Mulan 2022 – Winner – BRICS Women Innovation Contest 2022, held in Beijing in June 2022. This contest is organized by the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance (WBA) to promote women’s entrepreneurship and women’s potential in the BRICS countries and to recognize outstanding business women devoted to promoting social welfare and economic development in different fields across BRICS nations, and promote the exchange of best practices and innovative initiatives led by women, and thus to advance to the cooperation among business women across BRICS nations.

As the year enters its last quarter, FIA can look forward to receiving several more accolades for working on its neobank product offering and continuing to build an ecosystem that is determined to make access to financial services easy and uncomplicated and deliver transformation through the adoption of digital banking to the underserved and unbanked millions in India.

About FIA Global:
FIA Global is India’s leading fintech that has been leveraging technology and creating avenues of outreach through multiple channels including BCs, and FINTAP, app-based neobank, for delivery of financial services to the unbanked and underserved. FIA is enabling and empowering millions of people deprived of banking services by bringing it to their doorstep.

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Elderly Lady Using FINTAP app on cellphone