FIA Global

Journey from financial inclusion to financial well-being

Voice of the Un-banked

FIA Global plans to elevate India’s unbanked sector through its core vision of ‘economic inclusion’. By deploying a suite of financial services to the financially excluded segments of the society, both in urban and rural India, FIA uses its extensive distribution network to tap into India’s underserved geographies.

FIA offers a range of financial services that are customized to the needs of unbanked and underbanked customers. FIA’s expertise lies in implementing online and automated technology solutions that minimize risks and lower the costs of transactions.

Our extensive distribution channel ensures that customers can avail banking services without incurring the cost of conducing these transactions. By partnering with banks and other financial institutions, we offer products that help people, even with the lowest of incomes save wealth and manage it prudently.

Our services include:

  • Banking
  • Credit
  • Insurance
  • Asset diversification products
  • Other services like Bill pay, mobile recharge, railway ticket booking etc.
  • Specialties

Financial Inclusion, Bill pay, Products for Small and Medium Businesses, Advisory