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Journey from financial inclusion to financial well-being

Financial Inclusion In India

Join FIA’s mission to create a world where every person has access to holistic financial development.

Financial Inclusion in India
Financial Inclusion in India

FIA Makes Financial Inclusion in India Simple

With an extensive network of Business Correspondents, FIA has helped bring doorstep banking and financial services to 95% of India. We aim to make it a part of every Indian’s reality.

Financial Inclusion

What is Financial Inclusion

The efforts to make all financial goods and services available and accessible to all people and businesses, no matter where they are.


At approximately 190 million people, India remains the country with the second-highest unbanked population. Upliftment of the underserved population is crucial to improve quality of life and to increase the country’s overall prosperity.
Financial Inclusion

Beyond Just a Bank Account

While a number of government schemes help millions get access to banks every year, financial inclusion must go beyond the simple act of opening a bank account. It must be expanded to include the entire range of financial services available. The development of financial inclusion in India must help individuals:

While banks do their best to reach underserved communities, they face a few obstacles:

This is where Fintechs like FIA bridge the gap. Equipped with superior technology, FIA can develop digital solutions to overcome all the above obstacles. From KYC verification to loan application, fintechs and neobanks offer smooth and convenient access to financial services right from the individual’s mobile phones. Their twofold process of providing digital financial products as well as financial literacy can help create an integrated financial ecosystem for the end-consumer.

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