
FIA Global

How to open Jan Dhan account

How to open Jan Dhan account

How to open Jan Dhan account is a question asked by people who want to access financial services being provided by banks and other financial institutions. The government of India unveiled the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) in 2014. It aimed to simplify banking procedures and increase public access to it.
In support of this program, banks have launched a savings account that follows the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana's rules. The Jan Dhan account scheme would give every citizen access to banking facilities and various financial subsidies passed by the government.

As per the experts of FIA Global – a leading business correspondent, one can open a Jan Dhan account if an individual satisfies the following conditions-

  • He or she should be a citizen of India
  • He or she should be aged 10 years or more
  • He or she should not have a bank account.

Jan Dhan account benefits

Jan Dhan account benefits – An overview

The Jan Dhan account benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana include no minimum balance limitations and streamlined access to all privileges offered by the program. The other benefits of Jan Dhan account include-

  • A savings account with zero balance
  • For people without legitimate official identification, hassle-free creation of a “small savings account.”
  • Insurance benefits up to Rs.1 Lakh
  •  The account holder is immediately issued ATM card with four free withdrawals at other ATMs operated by Nationalized Banks.
  •  Convenient banking using mobile and internet banking while travelling.

Now you must have known about how to open Jan Dhan account.

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