FIA Global

Indo Nepal Money Transfer

How can you send money from India to Nepal?

Indo Nepal money transfers, also known as electronic wire transfers, are one of the most often used and favored methods of moving payments both domestically and internationally. The Indo Nepal Money Transfer allow a receiver to get monies in the quickest time feasible. This kind of financial transfer is secure and trustworthy, providing a stress-free transaction for both the sender and the receiver.

Indo Nepal Money Transfer services

Advantages of availing Indo Nepal Money Transfer Services

The Indo Nepal Money Transfer services provides instant money transfer technique and may be used to send money as well as make other international payments.
Aside from the quicker money transfer, the process is also quite simple to start and finish. People can now send and receive money via online money transfer services. The Indo Nepal Money Transfer services are safer and more dependable in comparison, and they give you the freedom to transfer payments without worry

Indo Nepal Remittance An Overview

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been working out the details of an Electronic Funds Transfer System with Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) in order to build a formal remittance system between India and Nepal.

As per the leading business correspondent services provider – FIA Global, the method is aimed to ensure speedier and safer remittances from India to any portion of Nepal. The essential features of the remittance system are listed below.

  • On the 15th of May, 2008, the Indo – Nepal Remittance Scheme was launched.
  • Remittances will be routed through the Payment System Group (PSG) of the State Bank of India in India and Nepal SBI Bank Ltd (NSBL) in Nepal.
  • The remittances can be processed at 44000 Indian bank branches using the Core Banking Platform, which is linked to the RBI’s NEFT system.
  • The highest amount that can be remitted under the plan is INR.50000/
  • In India, a remitter is limited to sending 12 remittances to the same beneficiary every year

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