FIA Global

Revolutionize Debt Recovery with FIA’s Smart Services

An AI powered digital recovery
and delinquency management

Context for Recoveries-as-a-Service

The banking industry is deeply affected by
the NPA crisis with the rising number of

Current Status

NPA as on 31 March
2021 stands at ₹8.34
lakh crore.*

Projected Status

The Bad loans rate will
climb to 12.5% in 2021.*

Recovery Barriers

A lack of debtor tracking
hampers recovery and
debt recovery agencies
are very expensive.

How Banks Stand to Lose

Debtor delinquent payments negatively impacts
a bank’s bottomm line as well as it’s reputation.


1- Credit Rating
2- Credibility


1 - Collection Costs
2- Delinquencies
3 - NPAs


1- Credit Rating
2- Credibility


1 - Collection Costs
2- Delinquencies
3 - NPAs

The FIA Difference

Smart Recovery

FIA – Smart Recovery makes recovery & delinquency management unified, automated, and seamless by combining human intelligence with technological interventions.

Why Choose

Smart Recovery

Highly Dependable – Enabled By 30,000 On-Field Agents

Comprehensive AI-based Collection Platform in India

Dependable – Enabled by 40,000 On-field Agents

Paperless, Automated
and Seamless

Efficient – Reduce Collection Costs by 60%

Responsive – Works on Mobile, Tablet,
Kiosk and Web

Personalized Customer Experience –Doorstep Collections, Cashless Collections and Timely Payment Reminder.